Monday, March 7, 2011

A handwritten note.........

In todays busy technology driven society, handwritten notes are a rare gift....... so when T over and Desperately Seeking Seersucker tagged me in a post where the answers were handwritten, I just had to play along!  I have horrible handwriting so bear with me but here are the questions and my answers

1.  Your name and the name of your blog:

2.  Your blog address:

3.  Your favorite quote:

4.  Favorite songs:
I have very broad taste in music...... too many to name!

5.  Write this:
 6.  Tag 3 followers:

7.  Anything else:
                Hope everyone survived this LONG LONG LONG Monday with a smile on your face!


  1. Now that's a great idea! Handwritten....

    Love the Mother Theresa quote!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  2. I agree, that's a great idea. I can't wait to see how many others get 'tagged'.
    Cairn cuddles, Oz

  3. Yay, I love the folks you tagged!! I thought about tagging all of my westie friends, but then I didn't. Because sometimes I'm lazy :(

    Anyway, I adore that Mother Teresa quote. I really do. And I rather like your handwriting. But I especially like that pen. Is it chubby? Like the pen itself? I like chubby pens that write chubby.

    Hmmm...that sounded rather odd, didn't it?

  4. ahhhhhh!!!!! You tagged me!!! Ok...give me a little bit to write mine out!!! How much fun!!!
