Saturday, March 5, 2011

Rockin Robin

Duncan and I decided to do a little bird watching today.....

Duncan and I could hear the little birdie chirping away in this tree long before we spotted it....

not a vast array of birds around right now but a few finches and robins showed their heads :)

Now here are 5 things I learned from trying to photograph birds

1) I need more patience! I had no ability to hold still and let the birds come to me I kept wanting to follow them around and they would just fly off!

2) Birds will never come close so I had better have a good zoom lens!  AKA : I need a better camera..... the lens, zoom, and shutter speed on my little point and shoot digital camera although great just won't cut it when trying to capture certain pictures hence blur/ lack of focus ect.....

3) I need to be quick and decisive when trying to capture a moment on film because it is just that ..... A MOMENT then its gone gone gone and I can't recreate it once I have my camera adjusted right!

4) Bird watching/ photographing is a one man job:   Duncan is not the best partner for bird watching. I know this is an obvious one :)   I took him with me and he was more interested in chasing them then sitting quietly and watching them :)

5) Location Location Location!   I just walked around right outside my home,  I am sure much neater photos are to be had once I go to other places!


  1. We completely understand trying to take pictures of birds with a little aim and shoot camera. The birds always seem to just that little bit too far!

    We like to chase them, too.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  2. Bird Watching is best done from a lawn chair with a cool drink...hokes not any good at it either!

  3. We have LOTS of birdies, but my Daisy prefers being indoors. She's a "city" dog. HA! Duncan is a doll. We'll link up on Wednesday!
